
SPACE-HACK No 2 – color curious?

SPACE-HACK No 2 – color curious?

You may be familiar with BIO-HACKING or all the LIFE-HACKS from social media? SPACE-HACKING is the science-based approach to designing spaces that sustainably improve your quality of life – whether at home or at work.
For a longer and healthier life.

color curious?

Did you know that the colour RED causes a faster pulse, higher blood pressure, increased skin resistance, faster breathing, more blinks than normal and a reduction in alpha waves? A meeting room in red is probably not a good idea, but the red royal cloak lends power and dignity. Causse 2014
And that time passes more quickly in a room with warm colours such as orange or red? Smets 1969 This would be a challenge for all waiting room planners… The temperature in a red-orange workroom is also estimated to be 3° to 4° Celsius warmer than in a blue-green room. Baughan-Young 2002
And here’s the thing: colours also have an effect on people when their eyes are closed! The skin and retina have a comparable sensitivity to light. Campbell & Murphy 1998
For me, there are ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’ colours and the older I get, the more I become aware of the subtle influence of our room colours on us humans, although we are all individually shaped and perceive colours differently to some extent.

Loud colours are bright colours. Such colours have a high saturation and are usually very bright. Examples of bright colours are pink, bright red, bright yellow or bright turquoise. These colours immediately attract attention and are often used in fashion, advertising or design to achieve strong visual effects. Quiet colours are muted colours. Muted colours are usually less saturated and can be created by adding grey, black or white. Examples of muted colours are beige, taupe, olive green, grey-blue or burgundy red. Such colours are often used in interior design to create an elegant, classic or calming atmosphere.


Bright colours in interior design should be used deliberately and carefully to create strong visual accents without overpowering the room. Here are some suggestions on where and how bright colours can be used effectively:
Accent walls: A single wall in a bright colour can make a room dynamic and interesting without dominating it.
Pieces of furniture: An eye-catching sofa, armchair or chest of drawers in a bright colour can serve as an eye-catcher and give the room character.
Decorative accessories: Cushions, carpets, curtains, artwork or lamps in bright colours can add splashes of colour and make the room look lively.
It is important that the bright colours are combined with neutral or muted colours to create a balanced and harmonious overall look. Too many bright colours can quickly become overwhelming, so they should be used sparingly and deliberately.

It is generally assumed that cold colours are calming. They are said to reduce blood pressure and pulse, which leads to faster relaxation. However, it has also been found that pale colours (watery and bright) are particularly relaxing. There is even the ‘Baker Miller pink’ colour that is used in prison cells to calm down particularly unruly inmates – there are even ‘Barbie rooms’ in the high security wing in Bern.
Perhaps the trend towards rose and pink in interior design is due to the rather aggressive global times? The relaxing colours also include peach. Pantone has proclaimed ‘Peach-Fuzz‘ as the colour of the year this year!


Particular attention should be paid to lower temperatures in the bedroom (improves the quality of sleep) and cooler colours are the best recommendation here. In addition, blue to turquoise colours strengthen the vegetative nervous system, which leads to noticeable physical relaxation – just think of a walk in the woods or a view of the sea!
Dark blue encourages us to contemplate and thus promotes calm and relaxation. It lends depth and mysticism and allows us to communicate better with our inner being during sleep.

Greige (pronounced ‘gräsch’), the mixture of grey and beige, is a peaceful basic tone that adds harmony to any room. Its soft, velvety appearance allows walls to fade into the background and softens contrasts in the room.
There is a lot of excitement on social media at the moment, as ‘sad beige‘ has gained a reputation for being boring and sad. This certainly applies to rooms such as children’s rooms, for example, where bright colours (toys etc.) are intended to stimulate cognitive thinking.
However, a nice mixture of beige and grey and the use of contrasts always looks elegant, timeless, tidy and harmonious.


The term ‘sad beige‘ is used when the basic colours are used in such a way that the room is furnished ‘tone-on-tone‘ (colour to colour). In concrete terms, this means that all the colours, including the furnishings, are in the same colour spectrum – I like to call it ‘mash’ or ‘mushy’. To make an environment look lively, you need contrasts – just like in life. A dark contrast through furniture or furnishings is like the salt in the soup and adds flavour to the home…


Changing spatial perception with colours? It works!
The darker a wall is painted, the closer it appears. This also means that the spatial experience can change completely, namely from wide and airy to dense and cosy.
This makes particular sense if rooms feel ‘too big’ or if the quality of the space is to be improved in the direction of more relaxation and contemplation.
In keeping with the times, walls are no longer painted white, but are given a matching base colour such as eggshell, sand or greige. The rooms still feel fresh and bright, but radiate a gentle warmth. If door frames, doors and high plinths are left lighter in colour than the walls, the result is a timeless vibrancy. Ceiling colours are currently in vogue – why does a ceiling always have to be white? Ceilings in the same colour as the walls create an intuitive cave-like feeling (and we humans originally come from caves). The feeling of space becomes even more intense if the ceilings are painted a darker colour than the walls – you literally create a roof over your head ( shelter ).

Nicole’s blog appears sporadically and brings you useful tips for your personal feel-good world, the latest products and interesting facts as well as scientific information from the day-to-day work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on our social media channels.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Published July 24 / GO INTERIORS GmbH

SPACE-HACK No 1 – better sleep?

SPACE-HACK No 1 – better sleep?

You may be familiar with BIO-HACKING or all the LIFE-HACKS from social media? SPACE-HACKING is the science-based approach to designing spaces that sustainably improve your quality of life – whether at home or at work.
For a longer and healthier life.


When was the last time you woke up refreshed and ready for the day?
Sleep is the basis for your body’s recovery and for regulating our circadian rhythm! During the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of our sleep, we process the day’s experiences and our deepest fears in dreams – we wash our brains, so to speak.
A good night’s sleep improves our quality of life and helps us stay healthy for longer. Where others invest a lot of money in longevity concepts, deep sleep would be free and easy to achieve. A lack of sleep can lead to us experiencing fewer positive feelings, have a negative impact on our immune system and drastically reduce our vital energy.

My space hacks enable you to improve your health in just a few steps and thus increase your quality of life.

We perceive 80% of our surroundings with our eyes (I will come to the 20% in further hacks). In concrete terms, this means that the bedroom also has an effect on us when we go to bed. Colours in the bedroom should be calm and harmonious – I love dark colours in bedrooms! Reduce wild patterns (sorry to all duvet cover manufacturers with funny patterns) and use calm colours. Ask yourself what you see when you wake up. The first thing you see in the morning should inspire you for the day – a beautiful picture, a console with things that bring you joy or even a positively supportive wallpaper. The room should feel cosy and protective – it should invite you to relax and calm your mind.


The bed should be at the centre – because that’s where we want to be! Complementary seating is always handy, even just for putting clothes down. Most of us sleep barefoot; make sure your feet touch something cosy in the morning like a snug rug; your journey to and from bed should be sensual to your feet and the end of a fulfilling day or the start of an inspiring morning.

Our bodies are programmed to associate darkness with sleep and lightness with wakefulness.
Sudden light in the dark can upset our hormone balance and prevent us from falling asleep again.
Nightlights with indirect light can help you to avoid falling asleep when you go to the toilet at night.
Disturbing light sources at night can be incident street light, fire alarm diodes, electronic alarm clocks or chargers. Receivers of devices also usually have this little light that follows you to sleep.
Wherever light can penetrate, there is a potential interference zone: external blinds do not seal properly, curtains do not close the side angles of incidence, the light from the corridor comes through under the door…


If you use blackout curtains to try to reduce daylight, differentiate between black-out (100% of the light is blocked) and dimm-out (up to 90% of the light is blocked) and install side blinds if the curtains do not close at the sides. If you install nightlights, then not only for the way to the toilet, but also in the toilet – otherwise you will be wide awake back in bed. Disturbing diodes on electrical components can be covered with small stickers – many hotels now also offer this in their rooms.

A study has found that people with an untidy home have a higher level of cortisol (stress hormone) in their blood; Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidy-up godmother, has also taken advantage of this. If the home was tidy, the people tested were able to switch off better and therefore fall asleep better!
Clutter and disorganisation disturb our mind, as our brain tends to perceive things unconsciously and deal with them intuitively and associatively ( Neuroscience, cognitive system 1 ). Reduce clutter and tidy up what doesn’t belong in the bedroom. Also avoid objects and pictures with strong emotional content or super intense colours. The bedroom should radiate peace and security.


I think an unmade bed is terrible, but I often don’t have time to take care of it in the morning – do you feel the same way? A light throw works wonders because it covers up the biggest mess and is quickly pulled over. Add one or two throw pillows and the room looks inviting for the next night.
Clothes that have been put away belong back in the wardrobe to air out or in the dirty laundry; the integrated armchairs or shelves provide structure and not clutter!


Have you ever heard of pillow sprays?
Pillow sprays were developed to cover the pillow with ethereal fragrances to make it easier to fall asleep. Fragrances arouse emotions and have a direct effect on our limbic system (the area of the brain responsible for our feelings and moods), but they also have an effect on the hippocampus, the seat of our memory and thus our recollections. So if you apply some scented oil to your pillow every evening before going to bed, your body will remember over time that it’s bedtime and you will be able to wind down more quickly.
The room and bed temperature is a decisive factor in giving your body the relaxation it needs during the night. A normal waking temperature in the room is around 20°, the sleeping temperature should be around 18° (not taking into account regional and individual preferences). You can either turn down the heating or use cooling bedding materials; the easiest way is with cooling nightwear: try the nightgowns and pyjamas from the Swiss label ‘Dagsmejan’ – with their special high-tech fibres, they ensure good perspiration and cool at the same time – sustainable, ethical and 100% made in Europe.

Nicole’s blog appears sporadically and brings you useful tips for your personal feel-good world, the latest products and interesting facts as well as scientific information from the day-to-day work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on our social media channels.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Published June 24 / GO INTERIORS GmbH




The digitalisation of our everyday lives is progressing and does not stop at our homes. This can be scary – who likes to feel monitored? The fact is, it’s here – whether we like it or not. Recently, I had the opportunity to train at the Zukunftsinstitut and am now a certified Future Manager. Our profession as interior designers requires us to be at the forefront of developments in society and to be aware of the trends of the future. You first have to know what’s coming… as a Future Manager, I am now familiar with the 12 megatrends of our society and also know where the sub-trends come from and how volatile the systems are.
Have you heard of the term IoT? At first it was new to me too, but it refers to technologies such as the smartphone, which has the ability to control home lighting or music – a prime example of the “Internet of Things”.
In a survey of the Swiss population in 2020, 61.8% of smart home users stated that they use smart lighting systems. 56.4% stated that they use smart music systems.
Survey on the use of smart home devices in Switzerland 2020
Published by Statista Research Department, 03.01.2024


The possibilities of digitalisation are fuelling smart home concepts.
The benefit of this should not be the complex connectivity and associated control, but the added value for us residents. As health takes centre stage in buildings and urban planning, our living spaces and homes will also undergo a profound transformation to prioritise well-being. As a result, sales of private wellness facilities such as saunas and steam showers have exploded.
The Global Wellness Institute mentions in its Trend No.8 – Home as Highest-Tech Health Hub – that 95% of consumers believe that their home influences their health and 73% consider their health to be a decisive factor when choosing their next home.
GWS The future of Wellness / Trends 2024


The goal of circadian lighting design is to work in harmony with our internal clock, this is done by providing ample daylight or, when daylight is not available, modulating the intensity, spectrum and colour of electric light in symbiosis with the natural light cycle. This harmony should increase occupant comfort and productivity and create a healthier visual environment and experience. Changing the colour temperature also has a psychological benefit on a subconscious level because it strengthens the connection to nature.


The bluer and brighter the light, the more the romantic mood can be affected – all light colours above K3000 (K=Kelvin=light colour) are close to daylight and therefore not suitable for enchanting your home. Glare-free luminaires with a concealed light source are particularly attractive for sensuality. In the evening, several glare-free light sources with individual light intensity can be used as accent lighting to enhance well-being. White light during the day and NO blue light at night supports the circadian rhythm.


Even a subtle whiff of a fragrance in the air triggers our memories, directs our emotions and determines our well-being. Room fragrances significantly characterise the atmosphere of an environment and influence our state of mind and well-being. Essential oils have a wide range of effects. Depending on the plant, they can have a relaxing, revitalising or refreshing effect. They can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, fight colds, relieve cramps, increase concentration, stimulate sensuality and sexuality and much more. How about using a fragrance on your next date to positively influence the outcome of the date?

The effect of essential oils on emotion regulation is due to their chemical components, which penetrate the limbic system of the brain. This system regulates our moods, emotions and motivations as well as our behaviour. Aromas that enter the brain via our nose stimulate the nervous system and release hormones. Certain scents can lift our mood, while others leave us feeling gloomy.


The revoltab solution combines premium design, the latest Swiss technology, intelligent diffuser control, efficient maintenance methods, revolutionary “as a service” purchase models and inspiring room fragrances.


Peppermint has a refreshing and memory-enhancing effect on mental exhaustion and lack of concentration and has a liberating and soothing effect on colds and migraines.
Rose has a calming, skin-caring effect and creates a warm and loving atmosphere. It is also said to have an aphrodisiac effect. Vanilla has an aphrodisiac, cheering and warming effect
( your date ! ).
Cinnamon has a stimulating, balancing and nerve-strengthening effect.
Lemon has a refreshing and revitalising effect. Helps with weakness, depression and lack of concentration.


Our latest discovery is a company that produces lights but says of itself that it is a tech company…..

What has completely convinced me are the integrative possibilities of aesthetic problems, which probably every architect and interior designer knows.

Integrated exhaust air
Gone are the days of ugly exhaust air grilles in living rooms and especially wet rooms.
The exhaust air mechanism has been invisibly integrated into the luminaire – only the luminaire itself is visible; the noise level is also very low at < 25 dB(A).

Integrated motion detector
Do you know beautiful motion detectors? Prado has the perfect solution here too. The motion detectors can be mounted up to a height of 360cm and still achieve a radius of 100cm – perfect for corridors or guest areas that need to fit aesthetically into an upmarket environment.

We are delighted to be able to offer new solutions in the field of concealed components with Prado. Solutions for ventilation, motion detectors as well as integrated switches and cameras have convinced us. The material components fit convincingly into our interior design.


Connectivity and digitalisation are megatrends that will last for decades to come and will continue to develop in many dynamic sub-trends. For society, this means adapting and integrating new experiences from technology into everyday life. The human brain is so adaptable that our synapses will reconnect – a study has just been published showing that the use of smartphones does not make us dumber, but that memory performance is improved by digital memory aids ( University College London 2024 ).

Developments in industry will increasingly move towards total networking – people should see these achievements as a help in everyday life. The good thing is that human values, emotions and sensuality will become more valued in a digital world. Being human is characterised by sensory perceptions that cannot be faked by any AI. If we celebrate the exchange and connection with each other, we will strengthen our humanity and perhaps ‘rewired’ into completely new dimensions.

Nicole’s blog is published sporadically and provides you with useful tips for your personal feel-good world, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on our social media channels.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




Deeply rooted, internalised behaviours that can promote our well-being and reduce stress have been passed down from generation to generation. Surely you have heard that you should not sit with your back to the door? The reason for this is the possible danger (the tiger in front of the cave), which could attack from behind.
The hierarchy at a dining table can also support the natural hierarchy – the head, both male and female, sits in the place with the best overview, just like our ancestors. Or perhaps the thesis from my last blog: ‘Fireplace as a place of longing’: Fire profoundly changed the lives of our ancestors: It warmed and kept dangerous animals away; it made cooking possible and thus facilitated chewing and digestion. It made people more social, as stories and myths were told around the fire. This conveyed values and strengthened the community. ( Blog PLACE OF LONGING FIREPLACE )
Below are 4 theses for your home that you can use to improve your quality of life and make your home even more powerful and supportive.

NATURE EFFECT: Connection to nature
Biophilic design is designing for humans as biological organisms, respecting the mind-body systems as indicators of health and well-being in the context of what is locally appropriate and appealing. Evolutionary psychological approaches should help people to live healthier lives and prevent illness.
The implementation of nature into our homes can be realised through the visual experience of nature (garden, patio, nature-inspired living) as well as through non-visual nature-inspired design elements. The connection to nature can lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones, as well as helping to lift the general mood.


A space with a good non-visual connection to nature feels fresh and balanced; the environmental conditions are perceived as familiar and comfortable, with sounds, aromas and textures reminiscent of being outside in nature: Mechanically released natural plant oils – do you know ‘Revoltab.com’? Heavily textured fabrics/textiles that mimic the texture of natural materials, audible water features or quite simply: fresh flowers and good ventilation!

SAVANNEN-EFFECT: View and unobstructed view
A room with a good view out of or into the room feels open and free, but also conveys a feeling of security and control, especially when you are alone or in an unfamiliar environment.
The origin is the clear view over the savannah to recognise possible attackers, threats but also prey.

Our visual preferences and possibly also our aesthetic preferences may have their roots in reference points that served our survival. Health benefits include reduced stress, boredom, irritation, fatigue and perceived vulnerability, as well as increased comfort.


Work with transparent visual levels to create sufficient cosiness. A clear view does not mean designing everything to be open, but rather guiding the view and demarcating areas in their functions, but not closing them off – an example of this is the contemporary disappearance of closed kitchens and their demarcation by kitchen islands, which allow the space to be experienced as transparent and zoned. In interiors, a visual plane of around 6 metres has proven to be calming.

RESIDENCE EFFECT: Protection and retreat
A well-appointed sanctuary feels safe and provides a sense of retreat and seclusion – for working, sheltering, resting or healing – whether alone or in small groups. A good sanctuary feels separate or unique from its surroundings; its spatial qualities can be contemplative, embracing and protective without being unnecessarily shielding. Sanctuary conditions are important for restorative experiences and stress reduction, as evidenced by lower blood pressure and heart rate. Other benefits of sanctuary include reduced irritation, fatigue and perceived vulnerability, as well as improved concentration, alertness and perception of safety.


A ‘shelter’ should have at least 3 closed sides and no high ceilings. The cave feeling can be enhanced by a ceiling design or a darker colour on the ceiling. Individually adjustable or translucent (or semi-transparent) blinds, roller blinds, screens or partitions help to create a cosy feel. Additional options for adjusting the colour and intensity of the light (dimm to warm) are calming and help to reduce stress.

LIGHT EFFECT: Dynamic diffuse light
Dynamic and diffuse lighting utilises varying intensities of light and shadow that change over time to create conditions similar to those found in nature.

Recent research has focused on illuminance variations and visual comfort, human factors of light perception, and the effects of lighting on circadian system functions. Sunlight changes colour from yellow in the morning to blue at midday and red in the afternoon/evening; the human body responds to this colour change in daylight. This response is reflected in body temperature, heart rate and circadian functions.


Daylight should stream into the living space from different angles; direct sunlight leads to high contrasts, so avoid direct sunlight wherever possible. In the evening, several glare-free light sources with individual light intensity can be used as accent lighting to enhance well-being. Diffuse ambient light on vertical walls and ceilings reduces high contrasts and therefore calms the perception of the room. White light during the day and NO blue light at night supports the circadian rhythm.

My insider tips:

The nature effect can be realised very easily, e.g. with fresh flowers or art inspired by nature. Houseplants in Wabi-Sabi pots also convey liveliness and create a reference to nature.

The savannah effect can be recreated by adopting the positions in the room where you spend the most time. Sitting or standing, you can find out what is obstructing your view or how you could open up the room for a better overview.

The refuge effect should be realised in every home. Create a cosy zone away from the zones of social interaction. Use darker furnishing colours for this, as they increase contemplation and the feeling of security.

Light effect: I always say that you can make everything beautiful or ruin everything with light. Never use light sources that are too bright or where the light source is openly visible. To follow the circadian rhythm, dim down the light in the evening and only use light sources with a colour temperature below 2700 Kelvin – a higher value has more blue content and reduces the production of melatonin (sleep hormone).

Nicole’s blog is published sporadically and provides you with useful tips for your personal feel-good world, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on our social media channels.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




It’s autumn time – the days are getting shorter and cooler. The longing for your own retreat grows stronger. The privilege of having your own fire at home helps you to calm down.
Blazing flames and crackling wood promise warmth,
Fire is deeply rooted in our evolutionary consciousness. The taming of fire was a huge success for mankind (quote from Yuval Noah Harari – a brief history of mankind).

Fire profoundly changed the lives of our ancestors: It warmed and kept dangerous animals away; it made cooking possible and thus facilitated chewing and digestion. It made people more social, as stories and myths were told around the fire. This conveyed values and strengthened the community.

The magic of fire
The view of the flames and their warm light help us to forget the stress of everyday life and find peace.

In Switzerland, there are around 500,000 fireplaces, chimneys and Swedish stoves in local households – not including all outdoor chimneys and the very trendy outdoor kitchens with open barbecues.

Fireplaces are not only valued for their additional heat output, they are also the epitome of cosiness and security and promote social interaction.
They slow you down with their calming effect and are therefore the best stress reducer!


People love stories and remember pictures much better than the written word. Take some time with your loved ones and tell another story by a roaring fire. If you cuddle a little while doing so, oxytoxin will be produced in your body – also known as the bonding hormone.
It will not only strengthen your bond, but also lower your blood pressure and reduce stress.

The flame as a symbol is historic and ancient – often used in a religious and spiritual context.
Today, a candle flame often symbolises romance and mindfulness in the private sphere and devotion, community and the feeling of being protected in faith. Candlelight can also be comforting, with light we feel we are in good company. Candlelight is peace.
Did you know that candles should be stored in the freezer to keep them burning for longer? And if candles drip, soaking them in salt water overnight can help?

Lanterns and lanterns (also known as hurricanes) are particularly beautiful when placed in groups.
Glass or wickerwork, which refract the light, look particularly elegant. If you are not looking directly into the flame, battery-operated LED candles can also be used. Rechargeable batteries or LED candles with a USB connection are already available on the market in the interests of sustainability.


Small lanterns in different sizes, but always in the same colour family, arranged on a decorative tray look luxurious and
and can even replace a log fire.

Decorative glass lanterns are particularly beautiful and can be used to display several candles together. Fill the base with sand, small stones or small shells so that the candles are better positioned in relation to each other.

My insider tip:
Fireplaces are usually built with clinker bricks – in earlier times these were always light-coloured. However, fire tends to build up soot on the inside walls. This quickly makes the fireplace look unattractive and uncleaned. Therefore, use heat-resistant spray in black to spray the rear walls. This will increase the effect of the fire immensely!

Nicole’s blog is published sporadically and provides you with useful tips for your personal feel-good world, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on our social media channels.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




The longing for nature is great – did you know that the average European spends about 90% of his time indoors? Evolutionarily, however, we are outdoor creatures – perhaps that is why the longing for ‘outdoors’ is so deeply rooted in us.

Nature is good for us! In recent years, many new trends have emerged around nature, such as forest bathing Shinrin Yoku (mindful walking in the forest) or Earthing (detox through nature and connection with the earth). Looking back, garden design and all outdoor accessories have also undergone a huge development. The outdoor space becomes an extended living area with sofas, carpets, outdoor lights, outdoor kitchens, water features, fireplaces and much more…

Mystic Gardens
Mystic in the garden is mostly created at dusk. Solar-powered lights pop up and the blue hour begins.
Mystic in the garden combines light with darkness.
Indirect light sources in combination with decorative luminaires play a major role here; recessed spotlights illuminate solitary plants and thus extend the view even in small areas.
The Syphasera outdoor luminaire by Catellani&Smith enchants walkways and low hedges into magical landscapes.


In gardens and open terraces, there is usually no possibility to install light on the table.
Candles in glass lanterns can provide a remedy, but we have something better: the battery lamps from the ‘Moments’ series also conjure up romantic moments on your table. The luminaires with indirect light are particularly beautiful because they cast the light onto the table and not into the surroundings.

What is more relaxing than the chirping of birds and the splashing of water?
Small fountains and ponds bring liveliness to the terrace and gardens. They make the outdoor environment seem almost park-like and expand our sensory perception into the emotional realm – because water means life!

Water and fire – 2 basic elements that form a unit with earth and air and add a living element to your outdoor space. Meanwhile, fire rings are very popular (these burn with real wood) and need space accordingly. For smaller areas such as terraces and balconies, gel-powered fire bowls are excellent.


Your garden or terrace can be visually enlarged with the right use of light. Let dark corners disappear and expand the horizon. This is also possible in small areas.
For this purpose, there are now solar lights everywhere that can be hung in trees or stuck into the ground. But be careful, Kelvin (light colour) should not be above K2700…. Decorative outdoor lanterns used in groups also complete the picture. We also like to use heat- and water-resistant LED candles in lanterns.

My insider tip: Wind chimes are back in fashion because they bring a meditative atmosphere to the garden or balcony. My favourite sounds by Koshi are available in different sound colours: earth (Terra) – fire (Ignis) – water (Aqua) – air (Aria).
They sound very gentle, have a calming effect and also enchant your outdoor space. Good Feng Shui!

Nicole’s blog appears sporadically and brings you useful tips for your personal world of well-being, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




2023 is the Year of Kindness – be especially kind to the world, your home and yourself this year!
A friendly home welcomes not only you, but also all visitors. It promotes both self-care and exchange with those around you.

Living trends are based on developments in our society and the quality of time: megatrends influence our everyday lives and give rise to new needs. Health – climate crisis – security – globalisation – individualisation are only a part of these megatrends.
The past years with the challenges we have passed have changed us and reminded us how important our own health is.
Unfortunately, this pushed the climate discussion into the background – it’s time we became friendlier to the world!

SPA-throom Wellness@home
A trend that has been on the rise for years, but is now really changing our homes in 2023. The beautiful bathroom is becoming a ‘state of the art’ piece – the trend on Instagram, where influencers take pictures of themselves in the bathroom, also draws attention to the surroundings of the same.
There are many new trends – floor-to-ceiling tiles, waterproof wallpaper, monolithic stone washbasins, gold-coloured fittings, new worlds of colour. The bathroom is becoming a living room.

Be kind to yourself and allow yourself ‘selfness’.
According to the well-known futurologist Oona Horx Stathern : Luxury is being redefined – quality of life, meaning and sustainability are becoming guiding values in design, furnishing and the use of the bathroom.

This trend is based on the megatrends of sustainability and environmental awareness and is developing from urbanisation.
It is clear to everyone that we should eat more vegetables for our health – but since the emergence of biophilic design, we also know that nature strengthens us in the long term.
That is why more and more people want greenery at home, in the form of natural elements or their own grown vegetables.
The focus is on small greenhouses on the windowsill or, if there is space, stylish small greenhouses in the garden or terrace.

Good for you. Good for the planet.
Greenhouse Agrilution Plantcube Indoor

Mini greenhouse for the windowsill
By HerzSache, from CHF 45.-

Lean-to greenhouses in stylish design
In the Baumarkt or online

Be kind to your home and treat yourself to relaxation with nature.
When was the last time you dug in the soil? Do you remember the joy when the first seeds sprout and grow into tender little plants?
This is pure joie de vivre and brings you closer to nature.


So-called ‘ man plants’ hardly need any care and are also suitable for people who do not have a green thumb.

Fleurop offers a rich selection of ‘men’s plants’ to give as gifts.

My insider tip: Plants look particularly beautiful in valuable large pots. As an inexpensive alternative, you can place the plant pots in large woven baskets – but don’t forget a waterproof inner pot! The Monstera plant is available at fair prices in specialist shops and is very easy to care for; however, it does need water, light & love from time to time.

LUXE CYCLING re-loved revolution
Vintage furniture has been a trend for quite some time. Autobiographical living promotes collecting old things with history.
Thus, the trend of luxury cycling is also related to sustainability and against the throwaway society.
Old pieces of furniture are lovingly restored by hand again and thus receive the appreciation worthy of their history.

Be kind to the things in your history.
Haute cycling has become a big insider trend. On YouTube, you can find countless instructions on how to trim an old piece of furniture to ‘skin fashion’ – with funky wallpaper or bright colours.

Nicole’s blog appears sporadically and brings you useful tips for your personal world of well-being, the latest products. Trends and interesting facts from the daily work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zürich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




Paradigm shift or not – I am firmly convinced that the lockdown has changed our expectations of living.
Building used to mean from the outside in – more and more I see clients changing direction and thinking from the inside out.

The shell is important – but so is the content! The direct living environment, the materials and colours as well as the functions make our everyday life easier and more enjoyable, which has a lasting effect on our well-being.

Investment Building or buying is a unique moment in life for many. Often not recurring. So one puts many of one’s wishes and future expectations into the new home. All wishes remain the same: it should bring happiness.

In the past, home ownership was realised with a view to resaleability. Today, sustainable thinking has taken hold and plans are being made for the next generations within the family or clan.
It is no longer about representation, but rather about meaning and heart.
The multigenerational house in miniature.

Paradigm 1
( Paradigm = world view or doctrine ) The common view in the real estate sector before Corona was to increase the value. In practice, this meant investing only where you could get the franc back out.
The practice was to hire an architect
and then, if you still had money left over, to ask an interior designer to make the whole thing ‘nice and homely’.

Lounge sofa for the whole family
From CHF 4500.- incl.

at our showroom or to order via info@go-interiors.ch

Paradigm 2
Before Corona, living was often associated with representation.
The appearance sometimes took a back seat to the need.
The shell was more important than the content; time was spent thinking about an investment for the bank account and not about increasing the quality of life. So many functional things that make life easier for different generations have disappeared; I’m thinking of the ‘kitchen’ as the focal point of life with an integrated dining area instead of the stately table for guests.

What is the paradigm shift now?
(Paradigm shift = change in attitude to life – e.g. concerning fundamental values).
Owner-occupied real estate is passed on to the next generations and is no longer considered an investment per se. Therefore, sustainable thinking is required to meet the economic and energy developments of the next decades (photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, insulation, sustainable building materials, etc.).
Living space is being functionally thought through for all age groups and their needs. The focus is on multifunctionality and adaptability. Prestige disappears.
It should still be beautiful. Interior space is valued more highly.

Ask yourself basic questions:
Is the house to be used by several generations?
Are the needs of the individual residents mapped?
Are there common zones as well as individual retreat zones?
How sustainable and thus durable are the chosen materials and colours?

My secret tip: Fast Furniture was yesterday!
Choose favourite pieces that you would also bequeath to the next generation and that bring you joy every day. And they may even cost a little more. Sustainability also applies to living; take your time when choosing. Beautiful things are not found at the push of a button, but usually you find one – or we find them for you!

Nicole’s blog appears sporadically and brings you useful tips for your personal world of well-being, the latest products. Trends and interesting facts from the daily work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zürich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




As an interior designer, you are usually close to social developments, as the needs of the clients are reflected in the individual projects.

Only recently we were allowed to submit a competition for a development in a privileged location. We have described our style as ‘European Zen’ – how significant and confirming is the new style that is popping up in the living area: Japandi.

Is Japandi a flash in the pan or does it show needs in our society?

Japandi means the fusion of a Japanese furnishing style with Scandinavian living culture. Light meets dark and clean meets haptic. Emptiness meets space, reduction meets contrast – respect meets aesthetics….

Society is changing. External events and challenges give rise to the desire for a calm and safe home – a place of retreat for oneself and one’s loved ones. Restlessness and overstimulation of the senses should please stay outside.
External clarity enables inner focus.

Go Interiors Kaufmann zusätzlich JPG - 01

Focus on the essential – the reduced aesthetics of the Japanese living style meets the unagitated and straightforward furnishing style from Scandinavia. Less is more – and the little should be beautiful, but functional at the same time. Japandi leaves space for things and thus creates spatial emptiness and reducedness, which liberates the interior and gives it room to breathe.
But it also means creating order – not only since Marie Kondo has it been known how soul-cleansing cleaning out can be.

Reduced wooden chairs are very much back in fashion.
Recycled teak Black stained or natural Chair York CHF 349.- incl.

to order via info@go-interiors.ch

Both styles hardly use patterns – the use of neutral colours offer relaxation for the eye and the senses. Nevertheless, Japandi is extremely lively due to the contrasting materials. Japanese woods tend to be dark ( rosewood, walnut, wenge or dark lacquered woods ) mostly natural – Scandinavian woods are light, birch, maple or beech. Bleached oak can also be used. The colour scheme leans on nature and uses a lot of beige – brown – black.


Woven armchairs and chairs underline the style.
From CHF 409.- incl. in our showroom on the Seestrasse.

Here, too, the rule in Japandi is: less is more!
Decorations are used very sparingly and follow the Japanese wabi-sabi: they are allowed to be a little imperfect, but at the same time they must be highly functional. Decorative elements such as pampas grass, branches or solitary plants create a connection to nature and enhance sensuality.

Various vessels live in our showroom at Seestrasse 344 in Zurich

Create order – prefer furniture with storage space. Choose a straightforward and clear design. Restrained and economical furnishing.
Neutral colours relax the eye. Open spaces in the room create expanse.
Accessories should be handmade and useful. Wood is the most important material.
Set strong contrasts between light and dark.

My secret tip: Fast Furniture was yesterday!
Choose favourite pieces that will stay with you for a long time and give you pleasure every day. They may even cost a little more. Sustainability also applies to living; take your time when choosing. Beautiful things are not found at the push of a button, they usually find you.


Nicole’s blog is published sporadically.
It holds useful tips for your personal world of well-being, presents latest products and reveals interesting facts from the everyday world of a professional interior designer.
Would you like to receive her latest blog? Then follow us on Facebook.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zürich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




Years ago, one of our customers, a woman, described the ideal setting she enjoyed returning to after work: coming home, taking off one’s shoes, letting oneself fall into the sofa and allowing for some ME TIME!
Autumn seems to be the period of the year when many people favour retreating into their own walls in order to relax, enjoy and recharge their batteries. The notions of wellness and well-being emerge from an environment that is at rest and reveals a high energy level. Hence, many people ask me: how does one create this ultimate well-being atmosphere?

Acoustics, lights, haptics, and colours play the main parts in the creation of environments in which we are and “feel well”. These components should then be combined to convey an overall picture of harmony.

Textiles can be used to noticeably improve the acoustics in a room. Contemporary architecture often uses large glass surfaces or many windows. Choosing such a “cool” material certainly had advantages, but it does not absorb sound. Curtains would then be the first solution to remedy this situation. Soft textiles and medium to high-pile carpets also contribute to absorb sound. Adding large and inviting sofas are another good option.

Create some islands of light. Of course, there is no need to go for a full illumination everywhere in your home but opting for relaxing and atmospheric light effects is a good choice. I prefer recommending functional light (meaning permanently installed items) as well as emotional light such as decorative lamps that reflect your personal style.

Handmade table lamp with a ceramic base and a linen shade, approx. 85 cm h / 50 cm width, as of CHF 730.-

To order here: info@go-interiors.ch

From the Greek haptόs: “suitable to be touched.”
Where would we be without our tactile perceptions? Materials allow and invite us to be touched, thus enhancing the quality of all things visual. A material described as “beautiful” often holds the quality of its natural origin. Such decorative pieces enrich living environments enormously and increase the feel-good and sensuality factors.

Cuddle blankets made of fake fur.
Can be washed and tumble-dried, as of CHF 240.-

To order here: info@go-interiors.ch

Each material also has a colour!
Materials and painted or lacquered colours must merge into a unified entity, but they can also contrast here and there. A rule of thumb: keep permanent surfaces such as cupboards and wall covering in timeless tones. Walls that can be painted over as well as accessories can add dashes of other colours. A few coloured cushions and tea lights can be all it needs…

Various cushions and scented candles, to be discovered in our showroom in Zurich, at Seestrasse 344.

Select a basic colour based on set materials such as grayish, brownish, yellowish, greenish or neutral tones.
Then opt for a complementary colour according to your taste to give the whole more liveliness by playing with contrasts: muted and sound-optimised, light and shadow, rough and smooth surfaces, dark and light, cosy and soft, glossy and matte… combinations translate in an inviting sensuality which creates feel-good atmospheres.

My secret tip: materials should be combined as old and new.
Sensuality and warmth emanate from the contrast of the two. Complement your living environment with cheerful and positively charged individual pieces that touch and please your heart. Unconsciously, these objects have already been accompanying you in your everyday life, spread a subliminal positive energy that nourishes each of your living spaces.

Nicole’s blog is published monthly.
It holds useful tips for your personal world of well-being, presents latest products and reveals interesting facts from the everyday world of a professional interior designer.
Would you like to receive her latest blog? Then follow us on Facebook.

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner
Wellbeing Ambassador

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zürich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




For some time now, a new trend has been making itself ready for our homes: Swifel Chairs! Swivel chairs that you can’t see the mechanism on. In many living spaces, there are situations in which you want to adjust your sitting position. When the sun is shining, you want to enjoy the view out of the window, and when the TV is on in the evening, you might want to look in the other direction of the room.

Swifel Chairs offer the occupant exactly this possibility: swivelling in the direction the focus is always on; whether it’s the view, the window, the fireplace or the TV.

LOLL by Gervasoni
From approx CHF 2700.-
More info over info@go-interiors.ch

Interior design should always offer solutions to a current problem: the Swifel Chairs offer the user new possibilities in the room and visually round off a sofa landscape.

Especially for the coming autumn, the swivel armchairs are a beautiful addition to any living room and a retreat for cooler days.

From approx CHF 4900.-
More info over info@go-interiors.ch

Chairs and sofas where you lean on fabric-covered armrests often get dirty. Especially with the much-used favourite armchair, this can quickly look grubby and unkempt. However, most armchairs have a fixed cover and are therefore not easy to remove.
Do you already know the ‘Easy Clean – Fabrics’? Originally from the contract sector, they are now also conquering private households – very easy to clean and long-lasting beautiful.

Our consulting team will be happy to help you!

So comfortable and convenient – and also extremely practical.

Swifel Chair CLARISSA by Eichholtz
From approx CHF 2400.-
More info over info@go-interiors.ch

My insider tip: Swivel lounger island with many cushions in 3 sizes. Diameter 100 or 120 cm and for the whole family with diameter 150 cm.

BAMBOO swivel island by PH Collection
From approx CHF 3800.-
More info over info@go-interiors.ch


Nicole’s blog is published monthly and brings you useful tips for your personal world of well-being, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner
Wellbeing Ambassador

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zürich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83




Summer is finally here!
Is there anything better than sitting outside on a warm evening and enjoying the end of the day and the beginning of the night?
Soft light can enchant the moment and you too.

Candles, lanterns and the like set many a romantic heart aflutter – but what brighter alternatives are there?

Often there is no power socket nearby, so solar lights are a great alternative to bring light into the darkness without electricity and in a sustainable way.
Indirect light creates beautiful and playful light effects.

size S CHF 420.- / size M CHF 490.- / size L CHF 620.-
to order via info@go-interiors.ch
or live in our showroom at Seestrasse 344

A nice addition are the lamps from the ‘Moments’ series – these need to be charged but are then extremely mobile and are even suitable for reading the newspaper in the dark.

Battery lamps series Moments CHF 249.-
to order via info@go-interiors.ch
or live in our showroom at Seestrasse 344


The bluer and more glaring the light, the more the romantic mood can be impaired – all light colours above K3000 ( K=Kelvin=light colour ) are close to daylight and therefore not suitable to enchant your garden. Glare-free luminaires with a hidden light source are particularly beautiful. Playful light patterns also enchant your evening hours.

Needs cables, but also shines when there is no sun.
New series Mata Ayam arrived.

Series Mata Ayam from CHF 695.-
to order via info@go-interiors.ch
or live in our showroom at Seestrasse 344

My secret tip: magic wands turn any boring garden border into magical moments of light.

Syphasera by Catellani & Smith


Nicole’s blog is published monthly and brings you useful tips for your personal world of well-being, the latest products and interesting facts from the everyday work of an interior designer.
Would you like to receive the latest blog? Then follow us on

Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner
Wellbeing Ambassador

Copyright GO INTERIORS GmbH Seestrasse 344 CH-8038 Zurich
www.go-interiors.ch T 041 44 463 83 83

APRIL: Konmari, Dan-Sha-Ri or Döstädning?

APRIL: Konmari, Dan-Sha-Ri or Döstädning?

It’s been over a year that we have been coping (or trying to cope) with the consequences of the pandemic and the various social restrictions. Since then, many people have been finding it difficult to spend their days at home. Surely, during this period, your own perception of your home has changed and at best, you have become more aware of the importance of beautiful surroundings. But now, April is here and with it, a new energy that makes us all look forward. I hope that this urge for renewal will last for a long time and that insights are also followed by actions…

Here is what astrologer Monica Kissling tells us about his month: RENEWAL, please!
In the sign of Aries we need a new start, our living environment reflecting such decisions too. Perhaps moving again could be an option, furnishing and redecorating everything from scratch. Whatever the reason, you could truly redesign your home completely so that you’d hardly recognise it. And when in other periods of the year, we might find it difficult to give things away, April seems to be the month in which we tend to do this without much hesitation. Reduction creates space and our longings for novelty are great. Aries, the sign of power, stimulates this drive to act even more, strong and bright colours underlining a new dynamic. Aries is the pioneer in the zodiac hence small adjustments will not suffice, but an all-round renewal could.

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FEBRUARY TREND: sleep sweet and… ‘beautifyingly’

FEBRUARY TREND: sleep sweet and… ‘beautifyingly’

Reflect on this briefly: do you have a beautiful bedroom or just a bedroom?
Scientifically proven since long: restful sleep is the be-all and end-all of a healthy lifestyle! With plenty and regular sleep, we increase our resilience. Healthy sleep translates into a better balance, more energy and sometimes even increased beauty. That’s why a beautiful bedroom ready to welcome you and your sleep is truly important, especially in present times. A beautiful bedroom should not only be functional, but also reflect your personality as hardly any other room in our homes is as individual and as unique as this one, a place which stimulates you to try out new things.

This is what astrologer Monica Kissling says about February 2021: EXPERIMENT!
In February you can explore new paths to suit your every whim and mood. Venus, goddess of love and aesthetics, shows her most original side in the eccentric Aquarius. Therefore, it is first and foremost in the living room and in the bedroom that you can now give your creativity free rein. In view of the celestial conjunction of Uranus, the innovator, and Saturn, the preserver, you will probably prefer combining old and new such as vintage furniture or restored objects, for example. A daring mix of styles is almost obligatory in the sign of the nonconformist Aquarius so: go out and find your own distinctive style now!

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Over at last, this horrible 2020!

And as every year, when one ends and one starts, I reflect on things past and welcome the challenges of the New Year with the confidence that good times will come. The heavy earth energy, which stands for preserving and protecting, is replaced by the energy of the air which stands for lightness, lightheartedness and movement. Figuratively speaking, you could say that our castles will be replaced by campers. For as observed, in and throughout 2020, the demand for mobile homes has been facing an unexpected increase. This energy will also manifest itself in our living environment: lightness, flexibility, unconventionality will be the keywords as of now!

Here is what the astrologer Monica Kissling says about the new start in January 2021: TIME FOR A NEW VISION
A New Year and hence, a new era: the planets Jupiter and Saturn opened the doors at the beginning of this “air period”, in the astrologically speaking visionary sign of Aquarius. The heaviness of the earth times may now give way to a lighter energy. Transposed to our homes, this means more “air” is needed, through and with objects that radiate lightness and brightness as well as with flexible elements that can be combined in ever so many ways. In addition, in January, the eccentric Uranus stimulates your keenness to experiment and makes you want to change things. An ideal month for brainstorming, so: start looking for new room and lighting concepts as of today.

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Actually, I don’t like winter. And you? The days are short, and in the lowlands especially, often misty and foggy. So, truly lucky are all those who have a place they can call their own to escape to, well above these seas of fog. At this time of year however, a special magic unfolds with the many Christmas lights, especially when dusk starts. Many a small balcony or garden is then transformed into a winter wonderland, this period of the year spreading its own charm across the country – one that briefly makes us forget everyday life and its challenges…

Here is what the astrologer Monica Kissling advises us about December: CREATE MOOD BRIGHTENING MOMENTS AND PLACES!
For the adventurous Sagittarius, Mercury, the messenger of the gods, awakens a strong “wanderlust”, but what to do when travelling is impossible? Get creative! Neptune, the planet of inspiration, will give wings to your imagination so create your personal oasis of well-being and moments of peaceful mood. If you have a garden or a terrace, let a heart-warming ambience prevail there too. Comforting rituals can be also be arranged outside – enjoying a mug of mulled wine with friends also. Despite the cold, fresh air remains a must so… warm yourself with a noble fire bowl and fluffy blankets.

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Wouldn’t we all wish to prolong the summer? How nice it was to sit outside for long evenings, spending time with dear friends, the threats of a second wave of the pandemic far away… This autumn, the signs of the times point to more retreats into our homes. Therefore, create even more cosy corners for yourself and banish gloomy thoughts with an interior filled with warmth. As the evenings have become darker again earlier, provide plenty of warm light in the form of beautiful table lamps, light objects or even candle arrangements. Snuggle up in cuddly blankets and mountains of pillows, listen to piano ‘chill music’, read a good book… or drift away in inspiring dreams, taking your thoughts on a stroll to uplifting moments and places. Easing your mind shall be your guiding principle for the times ahead.

This is what astrologer Monica Kissling states: MAY THERE BE LIGHT AND WARMTH IN DARK TIMES.
Yes, critical Mars is still the cause for a stressful period. Even Uranus, unpredictable as ever, brings turbulence and nervousness to us. All the more reason for you to seek peace and relaxation as well as places to retreat to. Mercury can help you gain important insights, but it can also lead to dark thoughts. Surround yourself with beautiful light sources, light candles and, if a fireplace is available, a fire, hence creating a wonderful atmosphere for intimate togetherness. Also take more time now for conversations and cuddling.

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Because we do it for ourselves…
Representative living is a thing of the past. Today, more and more people are convinced that individual lifestyles are an important part of our mental health. Only where I feel at home and safe can I give myself into selfcare@home.
A pleasant living environment helps us to relax and thus to recharge our (possibly empty) batteries. Especially in times such as these, relaxation and inner joy provided by our home become sources of strength, especially in challenging phases when we are confronted with economic and health fears.
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September will be challenging, and many questions remain unanswered: how will the pandemic develop in our country as the days get colder? What will happen to the economy and, above all, to all the professions that are most affected? What can I do for myself to avoid getting caught in this vicious circle of uncertainty and fear?

Read astrologist Monica Kisslings’ comments here: The influence of Mars, the energy planet, will be restricted in September by Saturn, the planet of borders. Therefore: beware and manage your energy carefully. In other words: let go of energy-consuming projects and reload your batteries, preferably outdoors, in the nature. In your home as well, create an energetically powerful environment. Dispose of what disturbs and above all: play with powerful colours! Colours have a strongly stimulating effect and therefore, in September, your habitats could also be rearranged with new colours.

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Imagination versus imprint
How wonderful life is with all its peculiarities and surprises! In my daily work I am always fascinated by the ways people are and what makes them tick. Every one of us experiences an imprint from childhood on and from this, combined with ones’ individual character, result quirks and tics, needs and behaviour patterns, frequently leading to everyday rituals: we do certain things the way we do them, without really questioning them. Read more



The past months have shown that we are all connected. Nevertheless, each one of us is a unique and unmistakable individual. Therefore, it is all the more important to make your home a UNIQUE place too.

This is what astrologer Monica Kissling says: In August, the adventurous stars stimulate your hunger for action and your joy of experimenting. In these Corona times however, you are somewhat restricted in your activities. All the more a reason to give free rein to your creativity in your own walls. Set new accents now and give your place your personal, distinctive touch! Under the direction of the eccentric Uranus, allow room for something extraordinary by all means. And under the sign of the generous Lion of course, also for something precious – but above all something exceptional!

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Cheerful gatherings: what do you associate that with?
For years, rectangular tables were used in dining areas, certainly also due to the specificities of contemporary architecture. Now round tables are back! I remember when, some 20 years ago, a table of 220 cm length was considered ‘quite large’. Now we plan tables with a length of 3 meters and more, a trend which clearly shows how important social interaction at the table have become for all of us, also at home. Interior design reflects the spirit of the times and subtly reflects developments in society. Hence it is understandable that round and oval tables are now experiencing a revival. Read more



When was the last time you cuddled and snuggled? Taking to comforters in July means cuddling and this is usually best done in a retreat where you can “power down” and relax.

This is what astrologer Monica Kissling says: In July, the stars display their sensitive side and then, stress and conflicts affect us more. Just like the zodiac sign of the sensitive cancer, we need possibilities to retreat and prefer to spend our time in a trusted and familiar environment. Because Mercury is declining, holiday plans will probably also have to be adjusted. If born in the homeland-loving sign of cancer, it would seem more sensible to opt for holidays on our balconies and to enjoy lazy summer evenings in the garden or on the terrace. A recommendation of the stars: create a cosy snuggle corner for yourself!

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What to do when nothing moves forward? June is the month in which time quality stimulates one’s desires to improvise. But it can also be that steps forwards and backwards alternate. Some people will dance their way through June, especially if they are creative — others might switch to a lower gear.
This notion of time quality also seized me, the reason why I took time until the middle of the month to put my thoughts down on paper.

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Another trend from the North?
The Northerners really understood it! So here comes, once again from the north, a trend that has it all, and brings wellness home to us: ‘NIKSEN’ is its name, it comes from Holland and means as much as ‘doing nothing’ – now how nice is that?

Sure, it’s not that easy to do nothing at all, even the more so as this “activity” is usually stigmatized in our society and equated with laziness. But it can also mean to simply shift down a gear (or several gears) and clear your head.
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Read what astrologer Monica Kissling says about this month: in May, we can bask in beautiful memories. The stars awaken nostalgic feelings and carry us off into a dream world. Venus, the goddess of beauty and aesthetics, and Neptune, the planet of fantasy and dreams, will inspire your creativity enormously.
Hence, these are ideal conditions for redesigning your living environment, an favourable moment we should seize to create our personal oasis of well-being – and why not with objects and items that remind us of the good (old) times. Read more



Do yourself good by pampering your outdoor world!
In recent weeks, many of us have experienced how important our home is as a retreat and an oasis; moreover, for some of us, it has become an extended office. Quite fortunate also are those who can use outdoor spaces and thus gain like an extra room for the coming summer. In addition to the general trend of ‘urban gardening’, outdoor spaces are becoming more and more important as personal and individual retreats Read more



Finding creative ways…
Social life is still restricted. But in April, the urge to go out and the need to do different things are felt everywhere.

What the stars currently show us is what we all feel in this fourth week of the lockdown. So: how can or should we deal with this urge for freedom and the need for creativity? One possibility: create new spaces in your own daily environment – now! Try out new things at your every whim and mood: it doesn’t have to be For Ever And Ever, but can do for a certain time, for these special days and, above all: for yourself. This urge and drive to change things got me too, hence I really enjoyed cleaning out my cupboards, weeding in the garden and moving furniture around at Easter!

Maybe all of this is also be due to the brighter days and the sunshine, but some people suddenly see the place where they live with different eyes: this wall should have been painted a long time ago, that sofa re-upholstered and those cupboards cleaned out. And what about the lighting here? It never really suited me; and the balcony or the terrace: what do they look like? Live your independence within your own four walls and let your creativity run free – do things differently for once and break out of your usual routine. Draw new strength from creative ideas for the days ahead at home. Because a beautiful home can make you happy and nourish your soul. And if on top of this, you grant yourself to a truly unique “island” that reflects your personality, then you’ll also be doing something good for yourself in a sustainable way!



You want a color? Go Interiors will be happy to help; more at info@go-interiors.ch
Design your own moodboard!
Cheerful twitter of birds in the bathroom soon after getting up?
available in our ‘SHOP the Style’ -> link to the shop


How and where to start?
My objective: clearing out, because it really does you good!
What about some fresh colours in your home? A wall can be painted quickly and it’s fun to do. Ordering paint and brushes online or calling on a painter from the neighbourhood – he’ll certainly be happy to help you these days and, next to supplying paints and brushes, will also provide good tips, as an added value. Or then: start your own moodboard for your home – the Go Interiors team will be more than pleased to help you turn your ideas into reality. Stage your home office with fond souvenirs and let yourself be inspired by the joyful chirping of birds! Clear your balcony or terrace of winter’s leftovers and order plants, tulips and seedlings online. And if all these ideas don’t appeal enough: how about cooking? Here’s the task: Conjure up a 5-course menu from the remains of the fridge! You have all the weekend for it, right?


Nicole Gottschall
Interior Designer VSI.ASAI.
Wellbeing Ambassador
Monica Kissling
aka Madame Etoile


Link to the monthly newsletter of Monica Kissling

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