Compassion, solidarity and a lovely home!
February was not quite over yet when I wrote about the trendy topic of “Social Cocooning” as well as about what the “Generation X” cared for now: the JOMO experience. JOMO? This acronym stands for “Joy of Missing Out” or, in other words: the pleasant feeling of not having (thus missing) something. Of course, in the days we are living now, we don’t have the choice but the obligation to celebrate JOMO!
Although each and every-one of us has to follow the rules of physical distance, we will probably also be experiencing more compassion and solidarity in our hearts and in society. That is why, perhaps, this extra time in our own walls could also generate a stronger care and mindfulness for our environment. The rooms and spaces in which we live, work and move have a much larger impact on us than we imagine. Hence, with daily stress and an omnipresent 24/7 connectivity, we slowly lost the awareness of the positive interactions with our surroundings—but they are still here!
I am convinced that in the present phase we are all going through, many of us see the place they live in with completely new eyes, becoming aware that it not only offers protection, but also nurtures our soul. If we feel safe and comfortable in our own four walls, we will also be able to “recharge our batteries” more efficiently and, thus, strengthen our inner resilience: the best immune defense system that exists besides… social distancing.
So: create your own oasis, your very own island – do it just for you! Immersing in it and forgetting the outside world can then turn into something truly pleasant and enjoyable!

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How and what to do?
We would like to share with you our passion for sensuous living with added value…
Therefore, to face these challenging times, our team has created an exclusive offer for you, intended to create added value for those of you who have not yet really “landed” or taken root in their homes. It is a matter dear to our hearts to strengthen your resilience and turn your house into your home! And thanks to digitalized communication, advice and suggestions are also possible via the internet.
Caroline Imark from my team will gladly answer your questions; she can be reached at 044 463 83 83. Looking forward to inspire and to advise you soon!
Book suggestion

In fünf Schritten zum Wohlfühl-Zuhause
Autor: Barbara Perfahl
ISBN 978-3-451-61305-0

Wie ich mir meinen Kraftort für Körper und Seele schaffe
Autor: Alexa Kriele / Heike Kleen
ISBN 978-3-426-65837