Imagination versus imprint
How wonderful life is with all its peculiarities and surprises! In my daily work I am always fascinated by the ways people are and what makes them tick. Every one of us experiences an imprint from childhood on and from this, combined with ones’ individual character, result quirks and tics, needs and behaviour patterns, frequently leading to everyday rituals: we do certain things the way we do them, without really questioning them.
This is why interior designers, when planning a home for individuals, should pay the utmost attention to this fact – something that many planners have not yet understood. Example: if someone is used to carelessly leave their shoes and coats lying around when they come home, planning a tidy wardrobe where they’d disappear behind a door may not make the occupant happy because it goes against their nature and character. Of course, we can “guide” people a little bit to change his or her behaviour in the future, but this often remains mere wishful thinking. It is not our task, as interior designers, to educate people to “tasteful living”, but to create the greatest possible freedom for them by enabling them to live a life that suits their person and their needs.


How and where to start? Some tips from the experts:
Become aware of your quirks and tics! Look at yourself and your life partner/s and ask yourself: “How do we actually function? Are we used to leaving our jackets and shoes lying around somewhere? If so, then there are “furnishing aids” that integrate such a habit and at the same time ensure that everything looks a bit tidier.
I, for example, am a real couch potato – when I have the time to be one. That’s why a formal sofa wouldn’t be for me, I wouldn’t feel comfortable there. Therefore, I need one in which I can nestle and slide into absolute relaxation – usually even ending in a nap 😊. That’s how I am and that’s how it does me good; exactly this kind of thoughts should also guide you to find your individual interior configuration.

available at GO INTERIORS GmbH

/the sofa ‘Suger’
available at GO INTERIORS GmbH