Paradigm shift or not – I am firmly convinced that the lockdown has changed our expectations of living.
Building used to mean from the outside in – more and more I see clients changing direction and thinking from the inside out.
The shell is important – but so is the content! The direct living environment, the materials and colours as well as the functions make our everyday life easier and more enjoyable, which has a lasting effect on our well-being.
Investment Building or buying is a unique moment in life for many. Often not recurring. So one puts many of one’s wishes and future expectations into the new home. All wishes remain the same: it should bring happiness.
In the past, home ownership was realised with a view to resaleability. Today, sustainable thinking has taken hold and plans are being made for the next generations within the family or clan.
It is no longer about representation, but rather about meaning and heart.
The multigenerational house in miniature.

Paradigm 1
( Paradigm = world view or doctrine ) The common view in the real estate sector before Corona was to increase the value. In practice, this meant investing only where you could get the franc back out.
The practice was to hire an architect
and then, if you still had money left over, to ask an interior designer to make the whole thing ‘nice and homely’.
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Paradigm 2
Before Corona, living was often associated with representation.
The appearance sometimes took a back seat to the need.
The shell was more important than the content; time was spent thinking about an investment for the bank account and not about increasing the quality of life. So many functional things that make life easier for different generations have disappeared; I’m thinking of the ‘kitchen’ as the focal point of life with an integrated dining area instead of the stately table for guests.

What is the paradigm shift now?
(Paradigm shift = change in attitude to life – e.g. concerning fundamental values).
Owner-occupied real estate is passed on to the next generations and is no longer considered an investment per se. Therefore, sustainable thinking is required to meet the economic and energy developments of the next decades (photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, insulation, sustainable building materials, etc.).
Living space is being functionally thought through for all age groups and their needs. The focus is on multifunctionality and adaptability. Prestige disappears.
It should still be beautiful. Interior space is valued more highly.
Ask yourself basic questions:
Is the house to be used by several generations?
Are the needs of the individual residents mapped?
Are there common zones as well as individual retreat zones?
How sustainable and thus durable are the chosen materials and colours?
My secret tip: Fast Furniture was yesterday!
Choose favourite pieces that you would also bequeath to the next generation and that bring you joy every day. And they may even cost a little more. Sustainability also applies to living; take your time when choosing. Beautiful things are not found at the push of a button, but usually you find one – or we find them for you!

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Nicole Gottschall
Head of Design GO INTERIORS
Interior Architect VSI.ASAI / Owner
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